Un tempo credo si chiamasse Isola di Sant Andrea. Cerco di non avere troppe informazioni al riguardo mi basta pensare e sapere di poterla vedere come nessuno può vederla.Ho il raro privilegio di aprire finestre a cui nessuno può accedere e questo è un panorama degli innumerevoli che ho visto.
Ci sono parti di quella vecchia città, un tempo isola, che oggi non si vedono più, occultate dalla grossolana incuria di chi ha dato tutto per scontato...la polemica sarebbe lunga.
Bene, ho aperto la finestra un pomeriggio d'estate e l'aria pastosa di caldo mi ha restituito questo miraggio
6 commenti:
Meraviglioso! E' il dipinto di cui mi parlavi? La luce delle tue zone e che mi ha colpito quando sono scesa a trovarti è resa perfettamente. Bellissimo lavoro, si sente l'odore salmastro^^
Oh God ! How beautiful ! I love it so much ! The color, the water, the clouds and all... marvelous !
very very magnificent work !
sorry... the "anonimo" was me, Aramis. :)
@ ISOTTA: Sono orgogliosa di questo dipinto, quando ho visto la parte vecchia di Molfetta da questo punto di vista, ne sono rimasta incantata. La luce ed i colori vanno più nella direzione dell'espressionismo che del realismo spinto, in cui di solito mi muovo....però il pomeriggio che ho ritratto era troppo magico per essere relegato al semplice dato 'fotografico'o da cartolina.
@ ARAMIS:Glad you like it ,Aramis, I love this part of Molfetta( it’s a town 8 km from mine) . the bit I painted is the old town. Once it was an island ( the bit with the church with two towers) called st.Andrew but as time passed and people come there to live the small gap of sea was filled and the island became part of the main land and developed a nice and rich city around the odd church .
The church is striking for it’s architecture, it’s unique for the 3 strange roof tops and most of all for the two bell towers.
An external eye may think we are fanatical about churches … but truth is , looking at churches in our country and asking info about them means getting a clear view on historical events…
Afrer the roman empire collapsed ,towns would rise more willingly around a church than around castles…that’s because emperors and kings where expression of human power ,but the church would legitimate kings and emperors and reigns and nations bowed to popes…so it was safer to live near a church than a castle…especially when a church was more efficient than a castle for defense.
This church in particular has two bell towers but only the one more inland held bells, the outer one was a watch tower.
It’s purpose was to keep an eye on any enemy coming from the sea especially during the year 700 and 1100, there where Arabs, not really invading but causing a lot of problems … so a coast line defense was built all the way up the Adriatic sea, with many watch towers more or less evident and a number of low towers with a big roof top( like the one you see on the left end of the picture) where bomb fires could be made so the alarm would be seen far away and in no time the alert would get to Venice and the city would send ships to help its allies….
Your paintings are beautiful!
Great representation of the water!!(^0^)/
@ ATARU: Thank you, Ataru^^
I’ m glad you like my pictures and it’s nice to see you in my blog ^^
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